>>>Before: 30 - 40 CUC
>>> New prices: 20 - 35 USD/EUR
In the city of San Juan de los Remedios(National Monument), placed in the province of Villa Clara, Republic of Cuba, you may find our Hostel “Casa Villa Colonial”. Its wonderful location only 5 meters away from Historical Helmet and 100 meters away from the Central Square "José Martí", offers the chance of getting in contact with the ancient city and its great colonial architecture from past centuries in a couple of minutes.
Our Hostel "Casa Villa Colonial" is a beautiful colonial house built in 1895 keeping its original aspect in its interior and main facade. It has high ceilings and ancient authentic floor tiles. Its inner decoration suits, its colonial style give the guest an excellent comfort and absolute secured intimacy during all your stay.
The current city of San Juan de los Remedios is one the first Spanish villages founded in Cuba during the colonization period in the XVIth century. Its foundation took place on May 3rd, 1513 but it was transformed at first into a private property of a conquest captain and rich Spanish commissioner named Vasco Porcallo de Figueroa. This man had enough influence upon the court and the main representatives of the American monarchy for receiving the privilege of transforming that town and its surroundings into a private feud with no government at all. Some years later, he constituted his own town council, which made Remedios be considered the Eighth Colonial Village in Cuba though it had been founded before its contemporaries. At the beginning, that community was named “Santa Cruz de la Sabana de Vasco Porcallo”, taking into account the foundation day (May 3rd : the day for the holy cross on the catholic calendar). “Sabana”, because of the aboriginal population over there. The name changed into San Juan de los Remedios when the first local government took possession on July 24, 1545.
The origin of Las Parrandas in Remedios takes place since 1820 when the Asturian priest Francisco Vigil de Quiñones, “Francisquillo” (for your short age) had the idea to give to the boys of the neighborhood of Camaco, the most populous in the village, noisy instruments: rattles, hooters, grills, cans full with stones, making sounds along the streets unceasingly, being able this way to wake up the neighbors so that they attended the Midnight Mass that took place in the dawns from December 16 to 24.
This initial religious reason was supported by the incorporation of the town and their neighborhoods, San Salvador (Rooster) & El Carmen(Hawk), beginning to compete to see who would make much sounds ,being this the principal characteristic .
Both neighborhoods compete with artificial fires, streetlights, works of squares and coaches, during all the night (December 24) until the next day.